Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, 2015


Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! :) It was a GREAT day! :) First, we had a party in the office with Papa John's pizza of course, and I worked a bit there. Then, we worked out in our area for a bit. And then, we went to Hermana Ruth's house in the night time, and she threw me a surprise party!!! :) There were several members there, and the Elders, and an amazing looking cake and yummy treats! They love me too much! :) But I still decided that I am still only 23 years old. :) Maybe next year I will turn 24... We will see..

Oh yeah! We also had a great Thanksgiving dinner with Colby and his family! This was just the week of parties! Lucky us! :) We spoke a whole lot of English, so it felt almost like home. ;)

Bad news time.... :( We had transfers....Hermana Martinez is leaving AND Hermana Gividen is leaving... :( And I will miss them! We have had a great time together and I have learned so much from them! On Wednesday I get my new companion... She will be the next nurse! I am pretty sure it will be Hermana Hill, but I will let you know for sure next week. But now I have 4 weeks to hurry and train her how to be a nurse (she is a CNA) and our area of San Fancisco! We will be working in double time to get it all done! Here we go!

Right now we are working a lot with Myriam's mom.. She is awesome! She came to church last week and loved it! And tonight we are taking her to a Family Home Evening with a member family. Should be good. :)

Well I keep running out of time, sorry... But have a great week! Love you all!


Hermana Markle. :)
We saw a gecko eating its lunch!

Hermana Flores!  I am so excited I got to see her again! I didn't think I would, since she is now in the West Mission.  We went to the West Mission Office, and got to see two of my old companions - what a blessing!

Yay! Hermana Fowler!

The nurse in the West Mission gets her own desk and computer!

I got a package! 
Birthday Presents!
Hagan Daz to say goodbye!
My new Christmas lights make me happy every morning and every night!
Thanksgiving Dinner, Gringo Style!
Hermana Martinez and Hermana Gividen
Hermana Mariela!
Hermana Mariela!
I cut Hermana Gividens hair! I am almost pro now!
My Birthday Pizza!
Birthday at the Mission Office!
The world's most AWESOME cake!
They made me bite the cake with my face! I have no idea why!!!
My birthday party Ruth threw me! :) She is the best ever...

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 23, 2015


Are you starting to think of all of the things you are grateful for so you can share them at the dinner table? I love the holiday season! Everyone is so much nicer and open and willing to share! Perfect for sharing the Gospel! :)

This week we got a new companion! She is a baby who just got here on Friday from El Salvador! She came a week and a half early, so she will stay with us until they assign her to a real trainer next Wednesday! So now I have two babies. ;) But they are not twins. One is tall and blonde and the other is short and brunette... But I still love them both. :) I am still biased to Hermana Gividen though because she was my first child... But Hermana Martinez is really nice. :)

It is actually a good thing they gave us a new baby to work with. She helps us stay on our best behavior. Not that we are bad or anything, but we got pretty comfortable together and a little relaxed. But now we are back to 100% and we saw so many miracles on Saturday and Sunday for giving a little extra and working a little bit harder. :) Sometimes I need things to motivate me to try to improve always and not settle and relax. So far, we are doing great together. :)

OH! Best week ever! I got a Now/Birthday/Christmas package this week! :) My mom loves me. :) Also, my brother wrote me for the first time! Wahoo! He loves me too! Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! It's official - I am turning 23 again this year. It's a good age. Plus, Mom is only 27, so I wouldn't want to pass her. . .

Well, I hope you all go out Black Friday shopping on my birthday and pick me up something nice! Eat lots of pumpkin pie for me! :) Have a great week! I love you all!


Hermana Markle. :)
Hermana Ruth! Just getting some goodbyes in just in case one of us has changes this week!

Hermana Andino, mom of Ruth!

November 16, 2015

Hello Family! What's up?? This was a pretty great week as usual!

The bishop gave us a reference and turns out that they are awesome! Jonathan and Paola and a baby on the way.. :) Jonathan has a brother who is a member and he knows a lot about the church. His wife Paola has only ever heard that we do not drink coffee... But since they have a baby on the way, they really want to settle down and take life more seriously. And somewhere deep down in Jonathan's heart, he knows that the best way for his family is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. :) They are excited to study with us and learn more about how to receive blessings for their family and we are excited to help them. :) They live in a sweet house by the river, so that's fun too!

One of my favortie scriptures is in Matthew 5, and says that we need to be perfect even like our Father in Heaven is perfect.... First we learn that our Heavenly Father is perfect. Perfect love, perfect patience, perfect judge, perfect kindness, perfect thoughts, perfect planner. And second we learn that we are able to be perfect as well - that our goal is perfection. That the perfect happiness that God enjoys, we can also enjoy. The perfect life that God lives, we too can live. No, none of us are currently perfect, but that should be our goal. During a lesson I asked a father what that scripture means to him and he replied, that I need to try to come close to who my Heavenly Father is so that I can receive some of the blessings that he receives... It made me sad that his goal was to receive SOME of the blessings. Our Heavenly Father does not want to give us only some of the blessings. He has prepared a way for each of us to receive ALL of the blessings. And the way is to reach perfection. Maybe not today, or even in this life time, but that should be our goal. There is always more to improve, more to learn, more to serve, and more to love. We can always work a little harder to become more like God, and we can trust that one day we will reach our goals with the help of our Savior Jesus Christ. :) Our goals should never be to stay the same or to settle, we are better than that.

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Be safe and happy! :)


Sister Markle. :)
We did a height order thing... Hermana Gividen is officially the tallest Hermana in the mission and Hermana Montepeque is officially the shortest Hermana in the mission... I fall closer to the Gividen side of the scale, right???

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015

Yes, yes, you heard right mom - I got mugged on Thursday. Again. And yes, President Hayes talked to our Stake President as well. Which means he either didn't get or didn't read the email, or he thought since I am almost done, he didn't want to worry you with the information. But President Wilkinson never talked to our Stake President the other 2 times, so I was surprised that President Hayes wanted to. Because he told us not to tell you about it so that you wouldn't worry... But when he called Salt Lake to make the report, they told him he needed to let our Stake Presidents know, and have them call our parents. Maybe President Wilkinson was just used to missionaries getting mugged, so he just never made the reports. I am not sure.

Well... Thursday night we were walking in the street on our way to an appointment. We were walking on the street that we used to live on, so it was not new or anything. It was about 7pm and we used to walk past every night at 9pm, so no big deal. There are cars and people and little stores and bus stops and everything so double no big deal. Well I saw two guys walk past us and go sit down at the bus stop on the other side of the street. They were 2 young men, maybe between 20-25 years old, looked like they were up to no good, probably about to smoke weed. Hermana Gividen and I were hungry, so we were discussing whether or not we would stop to get some fries where Cindy works, but we decided not to so we kept walking.

All of the sudden we heard running from behind us and I think I blacked out.. Probably just went into shock. But I remember that a man was behind me and was shaking me and telling me that he was going to kill me and was throwing me back and forth to rip my backpack off. And I could hear myself screaming bloody murder... Oops. :) And then he got the backpack off and ran away, and I stopped screaming. :) So I looked around for my companion and Sister Gividen was in the street on the ground with a man over her trying to rip her backpack away as well, also screaming bloody murder. And before I could do anything to help her, she gave him her backpack and he ran away as well. So she stood up and we looked at each other and it was weird. Because then all of the sudden we were safe, and it was like it never happened. But we felt naked because our backpacks were missing...

A lady who saw the whole thing let us into her house while they called the police. And when the cops showed up, we went out to talk to them and another man came over to offer to be a witness as well. So we gave our names and numbers and as much information as we could, and then they left. And never called us, because they never found the guys or the backpacks. Meanwhile, the nice lady gave us $10 and we walked over to a members house who lived really close. (We plan to go back to the nice lady and give her the $10 back and maybe teach her about Christ :)

We apparently went to the right members house, because they stuck us in a car and we drove around to all of the scary spots of our area to look for the men. They would jump out with a big metal wrench and a crow bar and go ask the thugs for any information. Not much luck. But they said they thoroughly threatened all thugs and scared them enough to never mess with us, so that's good. :) The members said they were really looking forward to beating someone up, but maybe next time... They members actually scared me more than the actual muggers... Hahhah. But they did find out who the muggers where. Two punks from the projects in San Francisco. They would not give names, because they say that those two have guns and they don't want to mess with them. So apparently we got robbed by two men with guns, but they didn't hurt us at all, so that is lucky. :) Sister Gividen says that her mom put our names in the temple that very morning, so that is probably why all they got was our backpacks.

Mostly I was just mad... They stole my scriptures! They nice ones with all of the markings and stuff. :( And they stole my nursing flash drive that had LOTS of information on it, so basically hours and hours and days of work. And they stole my good chapstick, my good pens, my patriarchal blessing, Spanish plan of salvation cards mom sent me that were sweet, my sewing kit, my, my mission handbook with important things in it, letters I wrote for people, my subway card with lots of points on it, my sweet blue backpack, my baby hymn book that cousin Maddie gave me from her mission, my candy, house keys, Gividen's camera with all of her pictures and other important stuff from her too.... Bummer. BUT President Hayes is the nicest person in the whole world and bought us new backpacks and scriptures and hymn books. And today we went and bought other little things we were missing. It's not the same, but pretty close. We are happy now. :) President Hayes is seriously the best in the whole world.

Hermana Gividen wanted to fight back, but she is grateful that she did not! They were able to get my backpack off pretty quick, but she is tougher than me and had to actually give hers up. We are really happy that our screaming did not make them mad and they did not pull out their guns. Hermana Gividen now says that we should always eat fries when we want fries. It could save our life! So now we eat fries every day. ;) Just kidding, I am trying to lose weight before coming home. But I did eat fries today. :)

So that is about it... :) We are alive. No bruises, just Hermana Gividen's pride - she says he was shorter than her and she totally could have taken him! Hermana Gividen is one tough cookie! She didn't even want to go back to our apartment or anything after it happened - we went right back to work! OH!!! And I forgot to mention - neither of us cried! We got mugged and screamed like little girls, but did not cry.  I am proud of us. And no, I do not plan on that happening again anytime soon. Once was enough. And now that make 3 times in total for my mission. :) Madi is jealous because I have cooler stories than her.. :)

I had to give 2 nursing presentations this week to big groups... It was scary.. One group was nice and listened. The other did not. But oh well, it's over! I still have stage fright even though I teach all day every day!

Hermana Fowler was sick this week so I got to talk to her and her mom! Best week ever! I miss her! She is planning to move to Provo in a house full of missionaries from this mission! So I might move in with them! But not until the summer, because I am sure it is too late. And I need a job first and money.. But at least she will be close! And so will other friends! :)

Tonight we are eating pizza in the office and then going back home with another set of missionaries because one of them is sick and she has to stay with me tonight. And the other one is Sister Montepeque!!! :) Yay!

Well, that is all, other than . . . . .  HAPPY BIRTHWEEK MADI!!!! :) Have a great week! I love you all! Don't get mugged this week! I won't either. I told the Elders that if I get mugged a 4th time, I am going home. (hahaha) So hopefully it doesn't happen again. ;)

Hermana Markle
New  backpacks!  We are pretty styling.

Yoana dyed her hair!!! Oh wait,  it was just my hair... :)  Looks legit.

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 2, 2015

Oh hey! :) 
This was a great week! We had Zone Conferences with President and I got to meet Dr. Lynn, the one I talk to on the phone all the time but never knew who he was, and we got to go to the temple to see some of my converts do baptisms for the dead for the first time!
The Zone conferences was great. President taught us like we were one of his Institute classes and we learned cool new things about the Book of Mormon. And then Elder Lynn, the doctor, gave a big health presentation. He also interviewed a bunch of the missionaires afterwards and found new sick missionaries for me to take care of. :) Hahah all of the sudden we had a bunch of people with problems because the doctor was here. So we are slowly recovering from running tests, sending some for appointments, and starting others on meds. But now our mission is extra healthy and no on should need anything until he comes back next year! But seriously it was weird, we had two dog bites while he was here, new weird rashes, and lots of stomach problems. Good timing! There are two more Zones with their conferences this week, but the doctor went home. So I get to do the health presentation instead... Propbably won't be as good. But I have his powerpoint. :)
The temple was great! Yerly and Fernando from Escazu went for the first time this week, so they let me go to watch! I got to see a lot of members from the Escazu ward again and say hi. :) But there is something special about seeing your converts dressed in white in the font for the second time, but this time helping their family members receive blessings too. :) It was nice. :) Yerly is doing awesome, she is now in the Relief Society presidency and they say that she helps the women stay unified and happy! And Fernando brought his aunt with him to the temple who was recently baptized as well. :) He is still working with his mom and dad to help them get married. They go to church with him almost every week! What a great week!
This weekend Hermana Gividen and I met several new investigators who seem pretty interested! We are excited to see meet them again this week and see their progression over the weeks!
Today we went to PriceSmart (Costco) and bought food for the month! Looks tasty!
Have a great week! :)
Sister Markle. :)

Items of Business...
1. Brandon's Halloween costume looks like he should have been born in the 50s instead so he could live in the 70s. Weird.
2. I liked Katie's and Derek's costumes! They are cute! But I have never seen that movie...
3. Why is Kami part of the PG 'Brotherhood'....? Extra weird.
4. I did not get a picture of Madi for Halloween, or Mom and Dad, or Suki. Don't tell me you forgot to dress Suki up??? She loves to dress up! It's her favorite!
5. My wrist hurts a lot. Every morning. But I never damaged it... So who knows why. It's annoying. Today I couldn't sleep because it hurt so bad. But then it feels fine right now. 
6. Tonight a Tico is making us dinner! Exciting!
7. I bought 4 new dresses..... Ooops..... They are cute.
8. Suprise! I dressed up as a sister missionary for Halloween again! No one let us go trick or treating... We gave candy to a few people though!
9. That is all.. I love you all!