Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015

Hello! :)

Another day in rainy paradise! During this time of year I feel like I live in a Rain forest. Thunder storms, lightning, downpour, all like clock work. Like when you are in the grocery store by the vegetables and they play the fake rain forest sounds and mist the veggies every 20 minutes? Like that. But without so many veggies. And no monkeys or snakes or huge bugs.

I really liked Alma 16:16-17 this week! It talks about how God was helping to prepare the hearts and minds of his children for when Christ would come so that they did not reject him. I think this was happening like 60 years before Christ's birth. I liked that a lot. God does not just dump big new commandments on us, or expect us to believe crazy miracles, or change our way of life over night. He works to prepare our minds and our hearts to accept His will, to accept Christ, and to obey his commandments. He works for years and years on softening hearts, teaching little by little, showing examples, changing life small ways at a time. He allows us to time to learn, accept, and change. How many bosses do you know who do that? Or school professors? God has perfect patience. He knows all and He knows what we need to make it back to Him. :) He is working with each one of you right now to prepare you for the second coming. To help you to open your minds and your hearts and to accept Christ as your Savior. Are you listening to his teachings? Are you allowing him to mold you into the person He knows you can become?

Have a happy Halloween!!! Be safe! I love you all!


Sister Markle. :)

Hospital trip for a triple appointment! Kill 3 birds with one stone!

And Hermana Ruth took us out for Mexican food afterwards. :) She is the greatest.

We also had a surprise birthday party for Elder Burt!

This was our goodbye pictures we took while switching back companions... I have my Hermana Gividen again! :)

This is how poor missionaries have to open cans.. I was really really careful though!
Hermana Ruth made us dinner again. Best food in all of Costa Rica.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 19, 2015

Hello! Happy Monday!

Time for another surprise... After I emailed and said that we did not have transfers, they told me we had transfers... Awkward... But only for 1-2 weeks. Hermana Gividen was not happy at first, but then she was okay with it. They sent her to Concepcion to work with Hermana Woods (friend of McKell and Josh) for a week or two while I take care of the injured Hermana Mendoza. She sprained her ankle pretty bad and got stitches, so President wants her to rest as much as possible and heal up before going back out to work. And since I am in the office working some days, she can rest even more!

Some days I do divisions and go out and work with a member while she stays in the house of another member, and some days we work in the office, and some days we stay home and I clean the giant house while she watches The District. :) It's going alright so far. :) Hermana Gividen came by the house today to get more clothes and it sounds like they are doing good! As soon as Hermana Mendoza can walk again without crutches, I'll send her back and get Hermana Gividen back. :) But for now, we are doing well! Plus, I get to take her stitches out here pretty soon! Wahoo! :)

Laura got back from vacation last night, so I am pretty excited to go visit her this week! She doesn't know it yet, but we are planning to set a baptismal date with her for my birthday... Birthday present to myself! ;) Hahah but first we are going to make sure that she is progressing well and is ready to make the covenant with God to follow Christ. :) I will keep you updated on her. But for now she is doing awesomely.

Yesterday I went out with a member to do a visit or two, right? And as soon as we stepped outside, it started to pour..... buckets... And we got drenched! And when we got to the investigators house, we sat in their doorway dripping for a good 20 minutes while ringing out our clothes and then she let us come in and sit on towels. :) It was funny. Poor member... She didn't bring an umbrella, so we shared. It didn't help much. But after we finished and picked up my companions, we went back to the members house and she made us hot chocolate and gave me slippers to wear. :) So all is better. :)

While in church we were learning about families and eternal marriages and kids... And teacher said something about how it is our responsibility to have children and raise families and work together... And I was thinking. I used to only want like 3 kids, because I wanted to work part time and then full time as soon as I could. But then I realized that we are not here to work and work. But we ARE here to create families and to learn and grow together. So now I want like 5-6 kids... :) And I still want to work when I can, I love working, but I hope I can have an awesome family too. :) So that is exciting news. Can't you just imagine 6 of me running around! How great, right? ;)

Well this week we have meetings planned, one hospital trip planned, visits to awesome investigators, and then switching back companions! Sounds like an adventure! I hope you all have a great week as well! I love you all! Be good! And stay healthy!


Hermana Markle. :)
A burrito and fries we bought... The fries have cut up hot dogs and lots of mayo and ketchup... It was over kill... But that is what they like here. I still ate them. :)

I found chicken in a can from Costco here! LUCKY! I love that stuff! (And I hate tuna...)

Cute little baby bananas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 12, 2015

It's transfers week.... Ready for the big news?? Well that's too bad, because there is none... I get to stay to finish training Hermana Gividen! :) Which means I will probably finish my mission here in San Francisco because the next transfer is only 4 weeks long and that would be silly to move me for 4 weeks.......
This week went really well! The last week we were so busy moving . . . we were so happy to have a great week of teaching this week! :) We saw some pretty awesome miracles.
Did I tell you about the missionary lady that we gave a Book of Mormon to?? Well she read the whole thing. And prayed about it. And got an answer and now wants to be baptized! She LOVE it! She is going on a missionary trip to Africa in January and she says she wants to learn as much as she can from our church before she goes so she can bring them this knowledge! We are going to make sure she gets connected to the missionaries in Africa! She is awesome! But... She doesn't live in our area. So we won't be there at her baptism. But we are still pretty excited for her. :) I sent you a picture of her a few weeks ago I think...
Also! The Bishop gave us a reference this week so we went to go find her. And she said she has been waiting for us for 2 months! Sorry! We had no idea! She says she is very very interested in studying with us and joining our church. Her neice is a member and has helped her out a lot. She went on vacation this week to the beach and won't be back until next week, so she can't come to church with us until the next next week, but we are still pretty excited! :) She is awesome as well. :)
Olga went on vacations as well, so we haven't seen her in a while, but I am sure she is great... :) Marco called us this week! The one we were teaching months ago! He had surgery and asked for a blessing. We are starting to work with him again. :) Also another guy named Ernesto called us this week and really likes the Book of Mormon we gave him last week! So basically this week was full of bunches of great things. :)
Hermana Gividen and I are excited to stay together and help all of these great people we are finding together! :) I hope you are all seeing miracles in your lives every day as well! God doesn't only love his missionaries or the people we are teaching, He loves you too! Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Do your part, repent, change, serve, and love, and you will start to see the miracles every day. :) Love you!
Hermana Markle. :)
Items of Business...
1. Madi is having an EFY party without inviting the best EFY nurse/BC/Counselor ever??? Lame... ;)
2. If Kami is baking so much now, maybe she should bake me something and send it to me... Maybe it would still taste good by the time it got here...? :)
3. Good job on Ponderizing your scriptures! I am ponderizing too!
4. Kami is going to another dance?? And you didn't ask Nathan to make it all funny and cute and be twins with me? Lame... You'll have to ask him to Morp... Who are you going with???
6. Still nothing from Brandon.....
7. GOOD LUCK DADDY!!!!!! WIN WIN WIN!!!! :) :) :)
8. Have a great week! I love you and pray for you! :)

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015


Conference was the BESSST! :) And yes, I got to watch the whole thing in English. :) Luck me for having a new companion. :) I understand the talks in Spanish, but listening to their real voices is so much better. And some of the good quotes get translated funny. Like Ship-shape and Bristle ready, doesn't work well in Spanish hahah. I loved it. It is like Christmas for missionaries (quote by Alli). :)

I feel like 2 main themes were about the importance of the Holy Ghost and Spiritual Progression. I loved all of the talks about receiving personal revelation each day or each week about the little things you can do to improve or the little bits of service you can add into your day. And when they said that the faith and knowledge that we have right now is not enough. We need to be continuosly progressing and learning and improving. And the best way to do that is with the companionship of the Holy Ghost. To do it in God's way, and not man's way. It is never to late to become a little better or learn a little more. :)

This week was crazyyy busy.... We had a full day in President's house with the news, temple trip and multi-zone conference, general conference, hospital trips, and moving our giant house and taking down and putting up lots of bunkbeds.... We are super tired, and will probably sleep all day today if we can. :) And we are ready to get back to work in our actual area again. :) We missed our investigators.

This week while working with a member, we found the coolest lady named. We were looking for a reference that a different member had given us the week before, but the directions were bad as usual... So we knock on the house we thought it was. No one answered. So we knocked on the next house we thought it was, and no one answered. So we sat out side of that second house for a second thinking about where it could be and looking at my planner... And then a lady peeked her head through the curtains of her window, so I waved at her and she quickly hid. That happens a lot... Where they think we don't see them looking at us, so I wave at them to let them know that we really do see them and are going to sit out here until they answer... Hahah anyways she answered the door! And came out to talk to us. We asked her if she was the lady we were looking for and she said no. But she showed us where the real house was! :) And we talked to her for a minute. (Pause... While watching the district last week during training time with Hermana Gividen I learned a new line we could say to try to get people interested in listening to us... So I tried it out... Play..) And it worked! She said after visiting the reference, we could come back and visit her. So we did. And we had a great little lesson. :) And at the end of the lesson, I had her say the closing prayer and it went something like this.... 'Heavenly Father, I don't really know why I let these people into my house, I have my own religon and was not looking for something new, but I know that thou hast a purpose in this visit, I didn't even hear them at my door, but my dogs heard them at the door, so I went to go see who it was but I did not have my glasses on, but they waved at me, so I thought it was one of my friends, so I answered the door, and I know thou hast a purpose in all things, and I don't know what that purpose is, but I know that you do, so please help me to know why they are here visiting me today, I put my life into your hands and I will follow your direction, please help me to know why these people are visiting me today.'...... Probably one of the best prayers I have ever heard in my entire life. And I have heard a lot of prayers. She was sincere. She had a full on conversation with God and it was obviously not the first time she has had conversations with Him. She is open to His will. She knows He knows all, and she knows He will guide her and has a plan for her. She humbily asked her Heavenly Father for guidence and is willing to change even when she was not looking for change, if it be His will. She is pretty awesome.

Well that is about it for this week. This is the last week of the transfers. Who knows what will happen next week! I hope I get to stay with my baby for at least one more! Have a great week!!! Watch conference online if you missed it! It is the best! :) Love you all!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business:
1. Good job on the marathon dad!!!! :) Wahoo!
2. I love our new house! Wayyy better than the last one! And it's cheaper too! But I never want to move again.....
3. IT'S OCTOBER ALREADY!!!! Holy guacamole!!!!
4. Speaking of guacamole, I ate some pretty good guacamole yesterday... :)
5. Brandon is running out of time to send me his email.... It better be a good one....
6. Still haven't gotten Kami's letter yet... :( I hope it did not get lost... I will give it another week or two to show up!
7. I love you all!!! 
Selfie on our way to the temple!

We Love the Temple!

Our new apartment - bedroom. Very Nice!
Our "study closet" -- we actually love it!

Bathroom - the best one I have had so far!
Awesome Bathroom
After conference Ruth took us out for Chinese food! This is the first time I have eaten Chinese in like 15 months! It was pretty good. :)

This is a conference selfie... We watched conference in English in a separate room and ate snacks. :)

I did it!!!!! I can now solve a Rubix Cube!!!! This Elder taught me how. He carries 2 or 3 of them around everyday, so we practiced for about 5 minutes after every district conference for a few weeks. And then he gave me my own cube after I graduated from the classes. :)

Lunch at the Mission home, for our "One Month Check Up" with the new missionaries.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 28, 2015

It is conference week!!! I am SOOO excited!!! :) I hope you can all watch it and take really good notes! It is going to be sooo good!
Well this week I ate cow tongue for the first time! Eww!!! But it actually tasted pretty good.... Just weird to think about....... So don't think about it much. It looks like normal meat, so you wouldn't even know unless someone told you what it was... Try it! They say it is really fancy and expensive.
BEST WEEK EVER! I got to stay the night in the hospital and we had a baptism all in the same week! :) Hahah It felt like home in the hospital. I did not really like the nurses coming in every 15 minutes to check on the recently operated on Hermana, but it was still fun. She had a simple knee surgery. Neither of us slept well. But all is well now. :) And our new convert is already wanting to go to the temple and we might get to go with her next week! She is doing great! She loves the Young Womens in this ward and is starting to read from the Book of Mormon every day! Oh and I also got a package from my mommy this week! Triple awesome week! Oh oh and Womens Conference was this week too! Super great week. A member took us out for Taco Bell after the conference and we watched it in English for Hermana Gividen so we are all happy.
Today we had the 'One Month Check-up' for Hermana Gividen. :) It was great! President Hayes grilled us hamburgers and hotdogs and we learned lot of cool stuff. He knows everything about everything. He's been an institute teacher for a long time... Asweome. :)
In my studies this week I really like a scripture in Alma. And then they talked about it again in the Womans Conference... So it is fate. Alma 13:28 (27-29). It talks about how we need to pray continually to be able to handle the temptations given to us. I hear people say all the time that 'God does not give trials too big for you to handle' or 'Satan can not tempt you more that you can handle' But that is not ture... A lot of trials are too hard for us to bear and a lot of temptations are too strong for us to bear. Alone. If we are alone, we will almost always fall. We will fall into sin, saddness, depression, mistakes, darkness. But if we look to God, pray always, and use the Atonement of Christ, THEN there will be no trials too big or temptations too strong to bear. With Christ, all is possible. By ourselves, life is too hard. Pray continually for protection, for help, for knowledge, for love, for guidence and direction, for the Spirit. And you will be able to bear all things. :) And you can be happy through your trails with Faith, Hope, and Charity. :)
Have a great conference weekend! I love you all! 
Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business...
1. THANKS FOR THE PACKAGE! I have almost finished the Beef Jerky and the Tic Tacs... Thanks!! :)
2. Katie gets married in 4 months from today!!!! AHHH!!!! I haven't even met him yet!! Do I at least get a fancy dress to wear to the wedding??
3. We got like 140 flu shots this week! I have already given 4. :) I am sooo excited to give the rest. :) :) :)
4. We also move houses tomorrow I think... We will see... And Temple trip on Wednessday! Another busy week!
5. I love you!
7. Have a good week! :)

We went to Subway for 2X1 day. :) Worth it!

Creepy Spider. . .

Beef Jerky from home! (The words on the bag say it all!)


We ate cow tongue this week.... it was pretty good.... :)