Monday, June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015

We LOVE Sister Wilkinson!
 Hello family!!! 
Guess what???? Walter and Olivia got baptized this week!!! :) :) :) They are my investigators from Escazu!! The Elders who replaced us are working hard with our investigators and helping out a lot! Fernando's mom and dad are getting ready to get married and be baptized as well! I know I am not there anymore, but it is still pretty awesome to see the progress in the people we found, taught, and love! :) :) :) I will write them notes to say sorry for not being at the baptisms. I might steal pictures from the Elders and send them to you.
Tonight we are going to have a sleep-over with about 25 sister missionaries! How exciting! I hope we get to SLEEP at our sleep-over though... Tomorrow is the last reunion with President... :( He leaves in just over one week! I think tomorrow they will officially announce who will be in what mission, and then next week we will meet our new Presidents? Who knows! Exciting stuff!
Still working hard and loving my companions! WE FINALLY GOT CAUGHT UP ON ALL OF THE INSURANCE CLAIMS!!! And we are still working well with Marco and the other investigators. :) All is well here in Costa Rica! :)
Love you all! Have a great week!!! Stay happy, safe, and healthy!


Hermana Markle. :)

Apparently our water here has 184 STD's! No wonder so many missionaries are getting sick!

We decided that we are the Power Puff Girls... They said I am Blossom because I have red hair and I am bossy.... What? My companion drew a picture of us on the back of an Ensign to give to someone we are working with. :) 
World's Greatest Photo EVER! We will miss Sister Wilkinson!

Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015

Hello Family!

This was a great week! I love my new companion! And my old one! We all get along great! Maybe too great... We talk a lot... And get distracted... But we are working on it! :) My dad asked if they try to leave me out of the conversations because they are both native Spanish speakers.. But I speak Spanish now too... So no, they do not leave me out of the conversation, we are all super best friends now. :)

This week I taught my companions a very good skill: Phase 10. They are now addicted and beg me to play with them every night! I beat them pretty hard the first few times... Then Hermana Ramirez beat me.. Hermana Piche is still working on it... :) I plan to teach them to play "Squeak" once we find more cards.  Oh! Bonus thing I taught them! During Phase 10 I told them they have to speak in English to help them learn. Hermana Piche asked me what was something she could call us when we skipped her and she was mad at us... So I taught her Bum. Like "YOU BUM"! I thought it would be pretty soft and not too harsh. But she already knows some English... So when I skipped her, she said "YOU BUM FACE"! Hahahahah it was hilarious!!!! Bum face in a latino accent is an awesome insult. My companions are great.

Next week we earned breakfast with President again for meeting our goal of baptisms for the zone! This is the last breakfast with President there will be.... :( How sad! But we are excited we got invited! :) Also next week is our last Mission Conference with President! He leaves in 2 weeks!!!! Ahhh!!

I had a dream that I was at McKell's wedding! And I got to make a toast and I cried! I cry more in my dreams than in real life, but I think I have cried more during my mission than I have in my whole life! Like a whole 4 times! But the dream was cute. :) I am still sad I missed the wedding, but Love you McKell!! Congratulations!! :)

Oh and then I had a dream about a scary movie... And I was like, wait, why am I watching a scary movie? I am a missionary! And now I can't feel the Spirit! Oh no! It was a weird dream... In all of my dreams I am a missionary and consiously think about what I am doing to see if it is breaking any rules.. Fun stuff. Hahah

Well... We are loving life. We work really well together. And if we can stop talking soo much, we will work even better together. :) We laugh lots. Not quite as much as the MTC, but close.

Have a great week!! I miss you all lots and lots! SUMMER!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business...
1. A member keeps telling me that it is a sin to not wear my glasses and that I am breaking the Word of Wisdom and causing damage to my body... So I wear them when I am at church and at his house... But they give me a headache while walking in the street, so I still don't wear them always. Oops.
2. Katie's dress is pretty!!!!
3. Kami, how is the new dance company??
4. Brandon, are you alive? Did you get all 20 of my emails?
5. Does Madi have her cool new shoes yet?
7. I used a really really really gross bathroom today. I might die.
Welcoming our new companion! Trio Bonding time!

Trio selfies in the bathroom at church.

New screen saver with our Trio!

I bought a WHOLE TON of Zumba disks! Wahoo! We do Zumba every morning now. Its great! :)

Kitchen in our new house.

Living room in our new house. (we might need a bit more furniture?)

Garage thing that will be a bedroom and study room. (notice the big gaps for spiders to get in through!)

Our new super-sized house!

Happy Father's Day Dad!

June 15, 2015 - President Wilkinson

I wrote this for Sister Wilkinson to include in a book for President from all of the missionaries about something we learned from him. Enjoy. . . .

I arrived to Costa Rica in August of 2014 to start my mission. When I got off the plane, I was greeted by President Wilkinson who quickly informed me that I would be the new Mission Nurse Specialist for the Costa Rica San Jose Mission. My call packet said nothing about being the mission nurse, I did not take the nurse training course in the MTC, and I was very unfamiliar with the common sickness found in this foreign country. But the current nurse had almost reached her 18 months, and had already been assigned as my new companion. 

I was unsure if this meant I would now no longer be able to proselyte and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, but I had agreed to serve where I was needed. To my pleasant surprise, we indeed did still have time to be missionaries and share our testimonies with the beautiful people of Costa Rica. I learned how to balance my time between the phone calls, text messages, and emails from sick missionaries, doctors offices and hospital trips, submitting insurance claims and documenting our work and missionary work. 

President Wilkinson made it very clear from the start of my mission that my first priority is being a missionary, and then second is the health of the other missionaries. I am sure he loved all of the missionaries and wanted everyone to be healthy, but he understood God's plan. He understood the protection we receive while serving our Lord. He understood the urgency that is needed to bring more souls to the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

While being a missionary first, I have had the Lord's guidance in my work as a nurse for the missionaries and my work among the beautiful people of Costa Rica. I have been able to feel the joy that comes after the people I love accept God's will, are baptized in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, and continue to learn and work towards making covenants in the temple. I have seen addictions conquered. I have seen broken families made whole. I have seen the light of Christ grown in the eyes of others. I have seen changes in the lives of many, including my own.

This is the best decision I have ever made. Originally I had plans to come to Costa Rica, stay for a few month, and then talk to President Wilkinson about returning early to start my next semester of schooling. But I was shown a better way to live. I was shown how to put the Lord first in all that I do and accept God's will. I was stubborn and prideful. But I have been shown how to rely on Christ. I have been shown how to study the scriptures and let the Word of God and the Holy Ghost guide me. And I am grateful for the example and love that was given to me by President Wilkinson.

While being a missionary first, my life will be changed forever. I now know that my Savior lives. I now know that God loves each and every one of His children. I know that through the Atonement that Christ provided for us is the only way I can reach my goals and become the person I want to become. I know what God expects of me, I know he is always ready and willing to help me, and I know I am his daughter. I know the Plan of Salvation is perfect. This mission, my family, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are huge blessings to me in my life and I am happy. :) I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Hermana Makensey Beth Markle

Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015


This week is changes week! We are getting a new companion!!! She is adorable! She is from Guatemala and her name is Hermana Piche. :) That makes 2 companions from Guatemala, 2 from the States, and 4 from Mexico. :) I will send pictures of her when we take pictures. :) And of the house soon too.

I am excited. Being in a trio will be great! I hope! The plan is, the two of them will drop me off at the office with Hermana Burt, the office secretary, and then they will go work! And then they will come pick me back up and we will work together more! That way we stop loosing working hours while doing nurse stuff! So maybe our investigators will get baptized now!!! Wahoo!

(Our Investigator) came to church again this week! He is doing great! We just got several new references from ward members yesterday, so we are excited to visit them this week! Friday we had a ward missionary party and the members brought their friends. We played Ping Pong, Soccer, watched Mormon Messages, drank home-made root beer, and other cool things that happen at ward parties. We met 4 new investigators! This ward is doing great at inviting friends and giving references to the missionaries! I love it! :)

Only 3 more weeks until the mission split! Now every one knows what mission they will be in! I think... They never sent us anything official, but I think it is mostly official now... Every one is running around like crazy trying to get things ready. The insurance claims are almost all the way caught up! Hermana Petersen has been working hard!!! I am sad that President Wilkinson is going home. :( He is amazing... But I am excited to meet the new President in July! We have one last whole mission conference in 2 weeks to say goodbye to President!

Well that is about it... I hope all is well! Have a great week! LOVE YOU ALL!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business....
1. Katie I want to see pictures of your wedding dress!!!
2. Good luck Kami in summer school and new dance studio!!!! Send me pictures! I know you have free time. Send me stuff! tell me about the new team!
3. Anyone else who has more time now because it is summer should also send me more pictures and letters.... :)
4. Tomorrow is 11 months in the mission... In case you were counting . . .
5. We now get lunch catered to the office every day from a ward member with a catering service. It's great. Are you jealous?
6. BUT no one washes our clothes... We are still looking for someone to wash our clothes.... We used the washer and dryer at our ward mission leaders house last week. but probably won't be able to do laundry this week.
7. That's it. CHAO! LOVE YOU!
We call this place "Duck Park".

Duck Park
Homemade root beer for the ward party. We couldn't find dry ice anywhere! It is almost non-existant here. They finally found it at a Tool Factory or something strange like that!
Making root beer for the ward party
I won every round! All those years of practice with cousins at the cabin paid off!

It's the rainy season again!

Rainy night selfie!

Transfer Call!
Coke in a bag! People here really drink coke from a bag. It's cheaper..... (I did not drink it)

June 1, 2015

Hey!!! This week we actually did not go to the hospital once! But... We searched for a new house, looked at tons, picked the prettiest one, and moved houses! That took a lot of time! Our landlady kicked us out this month, so we found a new one. We actually found a BIG house! And we will turn it into the new {mission house} for the Hermanas in the East mission! It has 5 bedrooms, and 3 full bathrooms! We took over the master bedroom with the walk-in closet and privet bathroom, don't worry. ;) Hahaha - we think we will put about 15 bunk beds in our house! So we will be ready for lots of visitors.... And my comapion put me in charge of cleaning up after them every time they leave... She says I am a better cleaner.... How nice! ;) I will send pictures once we transfer all of the beds over and it looks more like a mission house...

(Our investigator) came to church this week! That means he has been 3 times and is ready to be baptized! We are working towards the middle of June. He just started a new job and is really busy now... But he is doing well. :)

Seriously it is hard to think of good stories now... I forget once I sit down to type... Sorry! Read my journal after or something!!!

I love you all! Have an amazing week! Stay safe and happy and healthy!


Hermana Markle. :)
My poor companion fell asleep at the Mission Office while I was doing my nursing paper work!

I am short. Super short compared to Gringos - but actually quite normal up against Ticas!

A check for a whole lot of money! Actually - don't let the zero's fool you . . . not the same as US Dollars!