Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015


HEY! What a great week!!!! We spent two days in the hospital with sick missionaries and two days in the office - But we still found time to work! :) And saw miracles and had lots of help from the members this week. One of our investigators did not show up to a lesson on Friday and did not show up to church yesterday.... We don't know what happened... But we will find him. And we will baptize him! My companion is awesome, and we get along great.

Recently I have been studying about our Savior Jesus Christ, the atonement, and repentance. I finally understand. Maybe my pride has finally melted enough, or my faith strengthened enough, but I am finally starting to learn and to understand. My Mission President has been sending us talks to study about this topic and holy cow - this talk is amazing! It is titled, "Sins, Crimes, and Atonement" by Dallin H. Oaks, in 1992. He has always been one of my favorite Apostles, but this is exactly what I needed at this moment, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. As much as we think that we can do things on our own, we need our Savior Jesus Christ. We need Him to help us meet our goals, we need Him to complete our purpose here on earth, to be clean, and to avoid the suffering that sin brings. and to return to live with our loving Father in Heaven. I have attached a copy of the talk, and hope you will all read it and study it. It is amazing.

Good news - I finally have Brandon's correct email address, and he will get my emails now! Now if only I could get that brother of mine to write me back! And who gave Sophie permission to get married while I am gone???? AHHHHH!!!!! And Mckell gets married next week! Everyone is getting married! I don't have much to write this week... Sorry. My bad. I guess not all weeks can be good email weeks! But I will think of good things for next week for sure!


Hermana Markle. :)
Chillin' at the hospital - and talking on the phone to a sick missionary . . .

A surprise Birthday celebration in the office!

Mole! Brandon would have loved it - it was SPICY!

Selfie with my companion after eating mole!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 18, 2015


It was a good week! We only spent three full days in the hospital this week! ;) One surgery, one messed up neck, and other fun sicknesses! :) I got to give 3 shot this week? That was exciting! It's been like a year since I've given a shot.... Hopefully they live. One to a recent convert and two to my old companion. :) Lucky them!

Oh... I fell this week while on divisions with my STL... I don't really know how... But now half of the skin on my toes doesn't exist and I have a giant bruise on my knee.. But none of the hospital visits were for me! Skin grows back I think.

Divisions were fun! I went to Aserri again. Its a good place. :) And now we are friends with the STL's so our nightly phone calls are more fun and exciting.

"M" is an investigator that we have right now! He used to live in Aserri but he moved here this month! And he came to church with us this week! :) One of his best friends is in our ward, so he is helping us out a lot! He is about 42 years old with 3 children. He is excited to be baptized and we are hoping to help him reach his goals this month! If not, June for sure! Keep tuned!

Nothing else too new or exciting.... Still working really hard and seeing miracles every day!!! :) I love Costa Rica more and more every day! The people here are amazing. One day I will live here I think. Maybe only for like a year or two, but still. :)

HAVE A GREAT WEEK! I love you all! Stay happy, safe, and healthy! Or I will come home and give you shots! Yay!

Hermana Markle. :)
The wind broke my umbrella! I had to buy a new one!

I found Haagen Dazs! That little ice cream cone cost 4 dollars... But it was worth it!!!! Dulce de leche!!!!!!!! Yum! Don't worry, I don't ever plan on buying one again. . . .

Giving shots -- at least I didn't take a picture of the actual "giving" of the shots!

Photo sent from Hermana Peterson, from last "changes" (Transfers).

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015

Hello!! Guess what!? I saw my family yesterday!!!! Wahoo!!!! :) Happy Mothers Day Mom!! :) In case you were all wondering, my family is cooler than yours.

This week while studying Mosiah 18:27-29 I thought a lot about the different trails we are each given. Some are born to rich families, some to poor families. Some have opportunities for education and good jobs, and some do not. Some are born into families who have the Gospel of Christ, some will have the opportunity to find the Gospel of Christ, and some will have to wait until the next life. Many people ask why God loves some more than others, or why God let their baby die, why God lets bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, why some are more blessed than others. While studying I thought about our lives before this world. We each have very unique personalities. We each are at a different level of progression. We each have our own strengths and our own weaknesses. God knows this, we are his children and He knows us perfectly. He knows exactly what we need to do and need to learn in order to progress. Those who have a weakness of Pride are given trials here to help them overcome their pride and become Humble. They are given situations where they will have to ask for help. Where they will have to rely completely on God to help them. Maybe those with the weakness of Greed are given opportunities to have money and nice things, and will need to choose to share in this life. I know that God does not love some children more than others. He does not give money to those he loves and lets the others suffer. He gives us exactly what we need to learn and to progress. We all have the ability to pray to Him and ask for strength to learn and strength to continue onward. God shows us our weaknesses so that we can make them our strengths. We are here to learn and to grow and to become like our Heavenly Father. He loves us. :) I have been given so many blessings in my life, and through these blessings, I have been shown my weaknesses. And I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for His patience and willingness to allow me to fix them and to improve and to be forgiven through the Atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. :)

I hope you all have a fabulous week! Love you lots!!! :)

Hermana Markle. :)
Bedroom in our new apartment in San Francisco

Our desk - we have to share. Not a lot of room for sharing!

Our front door

The outside of our apartment

Our new kitchen. (The hot plate is our stove, oven and microwave all in one!)

The other side of our kitchen - with our mini fridge.

Shower. We don't always have hot water . . .

Street view.

Bridge near our apartment

Same bridge, new view.

Street view - in the other direction.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015


Hello!!!! :) Buenas tardes! This was a great week! I still miss Escazú but I love my new ward! The members here are great! :) And we are meeting all sorts of great people to teach here! We even had a baptism this Sunday!

San Francisco is right next to the mission office! The mission office is actually in our boundaries, so that makes things really easy... I got a call from President Wilkinson this week to tell me that he wanted to put me in the West mission, but after some thought, he made a prayerful decision to put me in the East mission. :) He submitted his prayerful decisions to the First Presidency, and I think they approved most and maybe changed a few. But for now, I should be staying in the East! The West will not have a mission nurse for a bit... But the Mission Presidents wife will do her best. And she, and all of the missionaries in the West will have my number. ;)

Concepción is in the East, Escazú is in the West, and San Francisco is in the East. So at least I had a chance to serve in both missions before the split! The West mission will have their office in Escazú, and their President will live close to Escazú... So maybe I will get to visit them once or twice and visit Escazú! ;) But the East will keep their office here in my area. I think the Hospital is actually in the West mission, as well as the Temple.... But I am sure we will have permission to still use both. :)

I love my new companion, Hermana Ramírez! She is great! We get along great and are already friends. :) This will be a good transfer. We are both ready to work hard together to strengthen this ward! So far, so good! We do walk a lot faster now though... And we don't take buses very often... My legs hurt. And I am sooo tired every night.... But it is good exercise and we are getting a lot more done. :) Maybe I will finally lose all the weight I have gained!

All is well! I hope all is well with all of you! Have a fantastic week! LOVE YOU!

Hermana Markle. :)
My new companion and I as our background photo! How cute is that?

Jocelyn's Baptism. Her boyfriend is a returned missionary, and introduced her to the gospel and invited her to listen to the missionaries. I've only been here long enough to teach her a few times before her baptism. She is awesome!

Hermana Ramirez, Jocelyn, Hermana Markle

Our fun lunch with Elder and Hermana Sparks in Escazu - just before leaving for my transfer to San Francisco. The Sparks serve in the temple in San Jose. They visited our ward on Sunday, then took us all out to eat on Monday. They are so good to the missionaries!

Yep, I'm still living out of my suitcases! And I plan on doing it for my whole mission!