Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 30, 2014

Dear Familia,
Feliz Año Nuevo!!!! :) Do you all have awesome goals to work on next year that you probably wont really work on?? I do! :) Holy cow! 2015?? Really?? I still remember the 90s! And my awesome poofy bangs! (Thanks mom!)
This week I almost died... We were at the bus stop waiting to go back to Escazu after a district meeting... I was talking to an Hermana, saw the bus, and took two steps towards the line. Within seconds, a coconut fell from the tree and landed right where I was standing 2 seconds earlier! It hit the ground hard and we all jumped and screamed. I am fairly sure that if it hit my head I would have died... Falling coconuts are scary things you know! I am sure that is something you all have to worry about as well. Even though I did not recognize it as a prompting and just thought I was walking closer to the bus stop, I know Heavenly Father is protecting me. :)
I FaceTimed my family!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Yes, FaceTime is a verb. But really, there is a verb for texting in Spanish! Textear. I like to congigate this verb and use it in random sentences. It sounds pretty funny, kinda like Spanglish.
I tried to help (an investigator) choose a date for her baptism and she said no... It was really sad... And a little bit awkward... But she is progressing super great! I am sure she will say yes soon! I am still LOVING Escazú! :)
Have a happy happy New Years! 2015 baby! Stay safe and happy and healthy! :) Love you! Make one of your goals to write me more! ;)
Hermana Markle. :)
Items of Business...
1. Happy Birthday Brandon! Tell me all about it!
2. Happy Birthday Katie! What did Derek give you???
3. Good luck living together Katie and Madi! I cant imagine you two sharing a room... Will there be a floor??
4. Hey Kami. :) Hows your movie star self doing? Are you driving now??
5. I was so happy to see you all this week!!!!! But it was too short!!! Lets do it again next week??
6. Did you like the platanos? And candy? Did you donate my braids to Locks of Love? 
7. I wore my new necklace from my package to church and afterwards in the street a woman came up to me and wanted it.. She just kept staring at it... creepy... I didnt give it to her. Oops. 
8. Thanks for writing me letters for Hermana Peterson! I guess I will find out soon who wrote me and who didnt... But thanks anyways! :)
9. I miss you already and I love you all! :) Tell me more about the Christmas cabin and all of your holiday fun!


Monday, December 29, 2014

December 23, 2014


FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!! Two more days!!! I hope you all have the best Christmas ever!!! :) I am LOVING Christmas time here in Costa Rica! Everyone is so nice, they are willing to listen to messages about Jesus Christ, and we are having great success! Good thing I get to have two Christmases in the mission!

Virginia was baptized this week! This was a miracle! The story is too long to share, but just know that it was a miracle. And you can ask me about it when I get home. ;) I know you all love hearing mission stories from returned missionaries, don't lie!
This week we had a mission Christmas Devotional slash Dinner slash Temple Night. It was great! We might have gotten home at 11:30pm though... Oops... BUT! President Wilkinson gave us something very special for Christmas this year. He received permission form the First Presidency to make this announcement.... This July they are splitting the mission!!!!!! Costa Rica San Jose West and Costa Rica San Jose East!!!!! An Apostle will reassign each of us to a new mission soon! I have no idea which one I will go to, or if I will be training a new nurse soon, but I am excited! The work and the gospel is progressing fast here!! :)
I love you all!! Merry Christmas! :) Stay safe and happy and healthy!!
Hermana Markle. :)
Items of business...
1. We had gift exchange with our district... Two people had my name... I got two gifts and someone didn't get anything... Awkward... 
3. My companion thinks I am super super patient. I must get it from mom. :)
4. SEE YOU SOON!!!! :)
Virginia's Baptism

Virginia's Baptism

I passed my Training! Time to celebrate!

Trits to celebrate passing training!

My companion is crazy! (kids - don't try this at home!)

Half unpacked . . .

Halfway still living out of suitcases!
Temple trip a few days before Christmas

Temple trip - so very blessed to have a temple in our mission!
December 2014 - new missionaries! (as the mission nurse, I get to meet all the new missionaries!)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014

Buenas tardes! Cómo están?! This week we switched houses! There used to be 5 Elders and 2 Hermanas in our ward, and now there are 2 Elders and 4 Hermanas. We searched and searched for a new house for the other Hermanas, but just ended up switching with the Elders instead. That was a bad choice. Missionaries have lived in their house for 20 years, and most of those years were Elders. We have cleaned and cleaned and it still smells like Elders... Hahah but its not bad! We now live with our cook, so we are never late to lunch! We just walk outside, over like 5 feet, and poof! We are there! And she does our laundry too, so that is nice! We had to wash our own at the last house. The Monge family is great!!! They always love to help the missionaries!

I went on my first divisions this week! To Aserrí with Hermana Cuevas! It was great! Super cold there, but I learned lots! Hermana Zapata came to Escazú to work with Hermana Villanueva. It was like having a sleep over at a friends house, but not really because we still worked hard all day. But I still had fun. :)
Divisions with Hermana Cuevas my STL :)

We went to visit our investigator M this week. She has been attending the church for over a year, but has not been baptized yet because she is not married. Earlier that morning I was watching an episode of the District (Oooo, exciting! A soap opera for missionaries) and one of the Elders made a promise to their investigator as a representative of Jesus Christ. Well during the lesson I was thinking about that and I felt like I should make a promise to M as a representative of Jesus Christ. I told her that if she attended Stake Conference this week, and prayed to receive guidence, she would receive an answer from one of the talks. Well, she attended stake conference and one of the speakers gave a beautiful talk about the importance of marriage and eternal families, and she loved it! I know that if you listen to the Spirit, you can receive guidence. And God really does answer prayers.

E is doing good! But she still doesn't have permission from her mom.. But her mom invited us over for dinner tonight, so that is a good sign! N is doing good as well! She understands a lot and believes it could be true, but still hasn't decided to act on any of it yet, so she hasn't received an answer yet. L is great!! She reads and reads and loves it all! And came to church this week! And she fed us second lunch, which is a great sign! And V is doing better! She might be baptized this week! She has had problems with tobacco, but she is 4 days clean right now and really wants to change her life!

Have a great week!!!!! I love you all! Keep your houses clean so they don't smell like Elder if the sister missionaries ever have to move in! Chao!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business....
- Dad! Someone gave me a bag of Munchie Mix! And I didnt pick out the good pieces, I just took out handfuls and ate it all like a good girl! 
- How is Suki doing? Does she miss me?
- We have a Christmas party and Temple trip Thursday!!! YAY! :)
- Thanks for all of your love and support! I LOVE YOU ALL! :)

CHAO!! :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014

Nothing too exciting this week... Just the usual! They are taking out two of the Elders in our Area and adding two Hermanas instead, so that will be fun! This week we will have a meeting with the Bishop to find out what areas he wants each of us working in. So there were a few changes with transfers, but not much!
This was a slow week nursing wise, no cool surgeries or bloody stories for you, sorry... Maybe next week!
The lady we found on my birthday is doing great! She just accepted a date to be baptized! Her name is "L" and she is super sweet. She thanks us every day for knocking on her door, and she is doing great in the Book of Mormon! We are still working with "E" and her family, she will be baptized soon! I love Escazu and everything is great!

Have a great week!!!!!! :) Happy almost Christmas!!! :) Love you all!

Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business....
1. Congratulations on the new job Madi! Have fun!
2.Good luck on the surgery on your face Dad! Third time's the charm!
3. We had changes this week! But I am still with Hermana Villanueva in Escazu. So not much changed. But these changes will last 8 weeks! Until Feb!
4. I love you all! Have a great week!

The Arch Bishop of the Catholic Church (of Costa Rica) attended our Christmas activity at church - and loved it!

Christmas Activity at Church

Companionship Selfie!

Jungle photo

Writing home from the Don Bosco Capilla

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2, 2014

How was Thanksgiving?? Back to school and work? Fun stuff! We had a great time over here in Costa Rica! My Birthday slash Thanksgiving adventure started with nursing paper work in the office, Birthday doughnuts from the secretaries, Papa Johns Pizza for lunch (My favorite!), we found two solid new investigators and a great new area to contact! We named it Mormonlandia because we are sure they will all want to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and then dinner with Monica, an awesome member in our ward! It was a great day! Thanks for all of your love and Birthday wishes! :)
This week, we were minding our own business, teaching a lesson, and I felt something tickling my arm. I ignored it and continued with the lesson. Finally I looked down and screamed! There was a giant poisonous caterpillar crawling up my arm!! The family we were teach laughed a lot, killed the caterpillar, and then we proceeded with the lesson. I am sure my screaming helped them feel the Spirit. :)
We reached our goal!!!!! 200 Baptisms in November!!!!! It was close! The Elders in our ward had a baptism before church this Sunday, but our chapel didn't have water! So after a lot of phone calls and running around, we found a pool to use! So we all ran over to the pool, had the baptism, and then ran back to church just in time for sacrament meeting! There were several stories like this, but we reached our goal just in time! I believe it was even 200 exactly! :) The Lord is definitely preparing Costa Rica for a great work! Now we will slowly work up towards our next goal of doubling our baptisms!
Well, that is it for today I think. My Spanish is finally getting better thanks to my companion! And we are finding new people to teach every day! Everything is great! I hope all is great with you as well! Love you!
Hermana Markle. :)
Items of Business:
1. Here they call Black Friday "Black Weekend". But one of my investigators asked what it means? Was this the weekend Jesus died? Wasn't that in April? Hahah I had to explain that it is just a day to go shopping, not a holiday!
2. This week I almost got sent home. (but not really;) -  I broke 3 rules in less than 24 hours. First, my investigator called me and wanted to know who these new missionaries were trying to visit them. They recieved texts from some Elders, so they gave me the number and asked me to call them. So I called them. And then I remembered we aren't allowed to call missionaries who aren't our leaders. Especially not Elders..... Oops. My Zone Leaders said I had two more chances. Next, we finished teaching Neelam and she gave us some juice and cookies. My companion tasted the juice and said it tasted funny, so I asked her what kind of juice it was. She said it was just normal juice, probably apple. So I drank it. Afterwards my companion told me it was Ice Tea.... Oops. My Zone Leaders told me I had one more chance. Next, while walking between appointments, we ran into my biggest fan! He is a homeless man who is usually drunk. Once he asked me to be his girlfriend. But usually he just calls me pretty names and we walk away. But this time he kissed me! On the cheeck, no worries. But I am fairly sure that is still not allowed... Oops. My Zone Leaders said I need to go home, and they will get around to talking to President about it . . . . . one day ;)
3. Thanks for the birthday wishes Mom and Dad! I love you too! Thanks for maybe thinking about me on my birthday Madi, Katie, Kami, and Brandon! I love you too!
4. Have the best week ever!!!! :) LOVE YOU!
See Mom, I didn't open any Birthday gifts until my birthday!

Thank you for all my Birthday surprises!

Papa Johns and Burger King fries for my Bday lunch (and a random clown!)

AND . . . a KFC shake. Yum.

For Madi - the movie poster . . . en Espanol.

Birthday dinner at Italian restaurant

Birthday dinner with an awesome member, Monica.

My new birthday pet

How cute is this guy?!?

Awesome selfie

Cool Money

Random information - my nails grow super fast here for some reason!

For P-day this week, we were feeling rather artsy.

I got him to smile!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! I heard you will all be having a big feast in my honor as your celebrate my birthday this Thursday! Thank you for remembering me and throwing me a party even though I am not there! You guys are the best!! And you even got the whole country in on it?? WOW! Really, thank you! I love you too! :)
This week was the baptism of "P"! He is awesome! And their family is adorable! His wife and daughters were baptized about 2 months ago, and now they are a happy family! :) Before his baptism, we had a lesson with his family and we wanted to touch on the Priesthood again so he could understand it a little more and prepare to receive it. The Elders joined us for the appointment and that was going to be perfect, because they have the Priesthood and could help him out even more. When we got to their house, their son was very sick. And the family was very worried about him. Before we even started our lesson about the Priesthood, they asked for a blessing for their son. Luckily the Elders were with us! They gave a blessing to their son, and then we proceeded to teach the lesson. It went very well! The next day they shared with us this experience. At 4am, their son woke up, sat up in his bed and was completely better, and said, Dios es el Rey del mundo, or God is the King of the World, and then went back to sleep. He is only 4 years old, and that experience was a very special witness of the power of the Priesthood for their family. P was baptized the next day.
This week we had Multi Zone Conference and it was amazing!! Just saying. :)  We have not quite reached our goal yet, but we still have one more week to reach 200! Here we go...! For our mission, the First Presidency has asked that we double our baptisms. So little by little we will now be working towards a goal of 400 every month! It might take a bit to reach that many, because we haven't reached 200 in over a year, but we are ready to work hard! Costa Rica is being prepared to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I am excited to be here helping them find it!
Thank you for all of your love! Have the best week ever! Stay safe and happy! LOVE YOU! :)
Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business:
1. Good luck with your new calling dad! :) You will be great! Just like I am sure you were great at your calling that lasted 4 weeks!
2. Welcome home from your mission Madi!!! Now repent and write me. This was your free week because you had to adjust to home life and stuff. But mom says you are using the iPad like normal again, so find some time to write me!
3. My email day will always be on Tuesday now! They have had issues, so they made some new rules... But yeah! But feel free to email me all the days! :)
4. I think I broke my big toe last week playing soccer... Or jammed it pretty bad. Its getting better now, but walking has been fun! Oops!
5. I have calluses on my knees! How cool is that?? How many people do you know with calluses on their knees from praying?? Maybe it is because we have cement floors, but still! That is an accomplishment! :)
6. This year for my birthday we will be celebrating it in the office! My companion has to go to get her Cedula and become Tica, so I will sit in the office for 7 hours doing paper work and nursing notes and other fun stuff! Wahoo! :)
7. A mouse jumped out of our trash can and ran across the floor while we were planing on the floor. That was funny! My companion screeeemed! Good times.. :)
8. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! :) We had a thanksgiving dinner with a gringo family on Sunday, so that was nice! Have fun with the family! Don't miss me too much!!!
9. I love you all!!!!! :) Thanks for being the best family ever!!!! :)
10. Oh yeah, an Elder had surgery on his hand last night and we were at the hospital until 2am. That was a good adventure!

My District bought donuts for my Birthday!

A Hostess Cupcake for my Birthday! Yay!
I made my Christmas list for this year . . .

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014


This week I got to play real nurse! Once church got over we were all standing in the halls saying goodbye and what not, and then someone ran past with a screaming child in their arms and a trail of blood following behind them. So naturally, I followed the trail of blood. A little boy, about 4 years old, was wrestling and hit his head and there was a good sized gash. His shirt was drenched in blood, so he thought he was dying, and his mom was about to pass out, so I took over. :) I cleaned him up and was going to super glue the cut shut, but there was too much tension, so I sent them to get stitches. Fun stuff! He is all better. :)
This week President and Hermana Wilkinson were in Panama for meetings, so we weren't supposed to bug them. Well I had at least a million calls from sick and injured missionaries, so I saved a giant list of information for Hermana Wilkinson for when she got back. I am sure she loved the 20 texts. I guess people are sick or injured more while the President is away.
Our miracle for this week was a strange one! The elders gave us a reference last week for a lady who lived alone. They give us all of the single women they find and we give them all of the single men we find. We called her, but she said she was busy and didn't have time for us. We stopped by her house one time, but she said we would have to come back another day. We invited her to church, but she didn't have time for that either. Normally after 3 attempts, we add them to a list of people to contact in the future. But I felt like she was important to contact now. We kept trying, but it seemed like she didn't want anything. THEN all of the sudden during Relief Society, she walked into the church, and called us to come meet her in the lobby. So we did. She was angry. And we had no idea why. So we brought her into a room to have a mini lesson and find out what she needed. She wanted to talk to our bishop, but he never returned her phone call. She had talked to several bishops, and no one had helped her yet. She did not want our help because we were too young and didn't know anything about life. She had a lot of questions, but would not tell us what was wrong or what was upsetting her or what she wanted from the bishops. We did our best to answer her questions and teach her small principles, and with time she calmed down and started to listen. She started to trust us and finally opened up. We found out her daughter is a member of the church. And lives in Concepcion. And I know her! So we are all going to have lunch together soon! The fact that I knew her daughter seemed to be the key and she is excited to meet with us and learn from us! This probably isn't the only reason I served in Concepcion and then Escazu, but I know I was in Concepcion for a reason and I know I am now in Escazu for a reason. And now we will have the opportunity to help this family. :)

It was another great week! We are not super close to our goal of 200 baptisms yet, but we still have time! We should have one this week with "P"! He is doing great! And maybe "E" next week! We just need permission from her Catholic father first. Shouldn't be too hard. ;) She is adorable and loves learning and reading from the Book of Mormon.
Have a super excellent week!!! It is almost Thanksgiving break! Wahoo! I love you all! :) Chao!
Hermana Markle. :)
Items of Business:
1. MADI COMES HOME from her mission!!! YAHOO!!! :)
2. Send me lots of pictures!!!
3. How did the game night go with Katie's boyfriend..?
4. We are having email time on Tuesday next week. I am not sure why, they just wanted us to warn you so you don't freak out when I don't email on Monday.
5. I am glad you got the letters! And 21 days is a lot!!! I will have to send things earlier...
6. Oh yeah, Mom and Dad, if you ever change Emails, Phone numbers, Addresses, Ward, or Stake, Please let me know so I can tell Hermana Wilkinson.
7. I miss you all! And I pray for you everyday! Thank you for all of your love and support! Stay safe and happy!  :)

I'm the Gringa in the middle!

Futbal (soccer) on P-Day with our District!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014

Hola! Sup!?

Life in Escazu is still great! I am starting to learn the area more and see all of the random cool stuff here! Bad news, our house is infested with ants. They crawl all over my clothes, my desk, my books, my shoes, our food (in plastic bags), and me! I just ignore them now, they don't bite or anything. And sometimes I play games with them, or spray them with Lysol, or feed them. Its kinda fun I guess. :) Cool news, the buses here remind me of Harry Potter! They go super fast, squeeze through places they should not fit, and stop suddenly for people crossing the road. I have actually almost been hit by a bus like 3 times. It is safer to be in the bus than walking on the side of the road. Also kinda fun I guess. :)

Our goal this month as a Mission is to have 200 baptisms. We have about 230 missionaries, so that is about one per person this month. So far we have one solid baptism planned and two ify baptisms planned. We have been working hard to prepare our investigators, and find new ones that are ready, but everyone seems to have a problem that makes them need to wait until December. Several need to get married, and everyone here drinks Coffee, but we are working hard to help them progress, learn more, and enjoy the blessings of obedience! I love watching their progression!

One miracle from this week, is "E". Our appointment fell through, so my companion pulled out a list of people we could try to look for. They were either less active members, or had moved without telling anyone. We really needed to be finding new investigators, so I wasn't sure how this was going to help us, but she felt like it was right, so we started to search. After several either not being home, or not living here anymore, we ended up close to the house of a less active member who we already knew, so we decided to visit her. When we walked in the house, I felt like I should say hi to the kids playing in the other room. I could tell one of them needed us. E was there and immediately ran to me and gave me a hug and said `'One day I want to be a part of your church!' I asked her how old she was and she said 8! So I told her she could be baptized whenever she wanted to! And she got so happy, she ran to her mom and begged her to let her be baptized. Her mom said she would need the lessons first and to receive an answer for herself, and we agreed! So now we have lessons every week with cute little E and she is working towards being baptized this month as well! She is very smart and understands everything we teach and loves to read our pamphlets and from the Book of Mormon, it is adorable!

Our lessons with "N" are still going well! I am getting better at teaching in English now. :) I just need to learn how to say all of this stuff in Spanish! 

This week while reading from the Book of Mormon, I was thinking about the promise in the Introduction. If you read this book, ponder its message, and ask God if it is true, you WILL receive and answer. And once you do, you will also know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church on the earthy today. Your entire testimony can be started from the Book of Mormon. And any doubt you have can be answered through the Book of Mormon. It is so important to receive an answer from God about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon for yourself. And with that answer, you can answer a million different questions. :) 

I love you all!! Have a fantastic week!!! :) I am doing well and working hard!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business....

1. Madi gets home from her mission in 9 days??? Is she ready? Or does she want to stay??
2. Happy Birthday Madi!
3. Did my letters ever make it to you???? The one for Madi and the one for the Family????
4. Can you have Sophie email me so I have her address? I have gotten random notes from her via you guys, but have no way to reply.
5. I went to the Chiropractor today with my companion because she has a hip problem and I have a shoulder problem. He told me a lot of crazy stuff about my life and about my personality. So that was fun. Apparently because I have an older brother and an older sister, and I am number 3, I am independent and self reliant. And because I am girl number 2, I don't take no for an answer and I do what I want. And because I am a middle child, I have problems with my Kidneys. And other fun stuff too. Most of it was actually pretty correct. But I didn't know it was because of my placement in the family! Cool! :) Anyways... Apparently my shoulder was out of place. Its been hurting since the MTC. He popped it back into place and it feels better for now! Hopefully that fixed it! And the fortune telling was just a bonus! :)
6. Have a great week! You are the best family in the whole world! :)
7. It is starting to look a lot like Christmas!!!!!!! I GOT THE PACKAGE!!!!!! :) :) YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! :) :) :) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) I love you!!!! It was the best!!! I loved it all! Except for the wrapped presents of course... Because I haven't opened them! 
8. The acid reducer was perfect timing! I have had bad reflux this week and it is helping! The trees were adorable! The cards are super cute and in Spanish!!! Good work!!!!
9. Thank you!!!! :) I love you!! Don't feel pressure to send more packages, I am just so happy this one didn't get lost in the mail!
Birthday and Christmas package all in one! Arrived safe and sound!

Worlds smallest Christmas trees! We already decorated them - but the ornaments just might tip them over!

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014