Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 21, 2015

Buen día! :) 
Do you want to hear another miracle story?? I am sure you do!! Well.... 
Our investigator had a date set for her baptism and everything was good. Then her mom said no... She said she could wait until she was 18 if she wanted it. (5 years..). So she started to hide from us and did not show up to her baptism interview. She felt embarrassed and did not want to tell us that her mom had said no.... So she ignored our calls and had her brother lie to us and say she wasn't home...So we gave up hope. If the mom says no, the mom says no. And plus, I am pretty used to investigators hiding and lying to us, so I got over it. But it was new for Hermana Gividen. So there we are, with no hope.... And our district leader Elder Henry suggested that we fasted for her. And I was seriously doubting that it would do much... But I knew I had to set a good example for my baby, so we did Saturday night. Yesterday she came to church! And she begged us to let her be baptized on her original date! So we talked to the bishop and got it all set up. She called her dad and got permission from her dad. She passed the interview. And then she told her mom.... And her mom said she will support her and even come to the baptism!!! :) With fasting, praying, and working hard, we were able to see how important Faith and Hope are in missionary work. :) And now she will be baptized today! :) We are so excited that she made the decision and was brave enough to stand up for what she believes in. She is great. :) 
Afterwards, Hermana Gividen asked me why fasting and praying for others helps them? If everyone has their own agency? And that is something I learned here in the mission too... It talks about this in Mosiah when Alma the younger was being wicked. He did not want to change. He wanted to destroy the church and was doing a good job at it. But his father prayed and fasted for him and an angle visited his son, helped him repent, and then he turned out to be one of the best missionaries ever! Alma the younger had no intentions of changing, but the faith and hope of his father helped him get where he needed to be without taking away his agency. So yes. Praying and fasting for other people really does help. God wants us to progress together as families and friends. He will help us to help others. Always.
Everything is going pretty amazingly here. It's P-Day. Hermana Gividen has her first baptism tonight. And we are full of faith, hope, and charity again! I am grateful for the opportunity I have to help train because it is helping me to remember the little things and be strong and to rely on my Heavenly Father. :) Hopefully Hermana Gividen doesn't think I am too bossy yet. ;) 
Well have an excellent week! Do good things! Help, love, and forgive others! I love you all and am excited to see you soon! But not too soon. 
Hermana Markle. :)
For Independence Day, a member of our ward had us dress up for a photo!

Independence day food!

Hermana Markle and Hermana Gividen

Hermana Petersen's last day. I am glad she lives in Utah - so I will still see her again! She will me missed!
Independence Day.

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14, 2015

Guess what I did this week?? That's right! I bought a giant box of 36 individually packaged baby travel sized peanut butters. :) I pack them in my backpack in case no one feeds us. The first day I found crackers and dipped them in peanut butter. The second day I didn't have crackers, so I just stuck my tongue in the little container and ate it peanut butter plain. :) Maybe this week I will find an apple or cookies to eat with them. :) How exciting! And the best part is that the whole box only cost $2.50. Best deal ever!!!!
Other news, we saw an awesome miracle of faith yesterday. We had a busy day planned. There was a baptism for the ward, several appointments, studies... We did not think we would have time for everyone. But we were also really behind on our goal to find new investigators this week and our busy schedule left no time to look for news. So we were worried. Hermana Gividen looked at me and said, 'We will never find news!' And I said, 'Don't worry Hermana, we just need to have faith and work hard and God will help us find a way.' So we did. We prayed about it and asked for help. And then one of our set lessons called and changed the lesson to Tuesday, so we now had a 45 minute block open. So we started to look and pray. We knocked on a few doors and everyone said, 'Thanks, but no thanks.' We almost gave up and went to the next lesson, but we decided to knock on one last door... And a family of 5 answered! And invited us in! And we were able to share our message with them and have a return appointment. :) It was a much needed miracle and we were very grateful for the Lord's hand in His work. :) We met our goals and got all of the other things we needed to get done at the same time. :) And now we have a new awesome family to teach. Bonus. 

Hermana Gividen is learning Spanish... It reminds me of when I was new and hated life all day every day and did not understand a single thing! But she is doing great. :) She sits there and smiles and participates as much as possible. :) She is a good little daughter. :)

Tomorrow is Quince de Septiembre! That is like 4th of July for Costa Rica and all of Central America. It's pretty exciting. Everyone is partying and having parades and dances and there is Red, White, and Blue all over everywhere! We probably won't be able to work very much tonight and tomorrow, but we are going to try! Or maybe we will just pass out Book of Mormons at all of the dances and parties. ;)
We found a new house this week. We might be moving again! We will see. It's cheaper, nicer, safer, and better.... so yeah. 

Tell Brandon to write me -he still hasn't written me his one letter yet!Well that is about it! Have a great week! Do good things! Help the missionaries in your stake! Love you all! Happy 15th of September!


Hermana Markle. :)

Hermana Gividen and I with Yoana (Johanna)  :)

An Elder gave me a bag of expired beef jerky - because he knew I liked beef jerky . . . . uh, no thanks!

We found Spunky again!!
Encontramos a Spunky otra vez!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 7, 2015


GUESS WHAT???? I HAVE A BABY!!! AND SHE IS FROM UTAH!!! LIKE 15 MINUTES AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!!! She is awesome! :) Her name is Hermana Gividen. :) She actually speaks really good Spanish for only having 1 week in the field! She got up and bore her testimony yesterday and the whole ward was so impressed with her braveness and her Spanish! That's my baby! ;)

Hermana Gividen likes to run, so we are going to start to run... Maybe I will lose some of the weight I have gained from all of the rice and beans! Yay! We are also going to wake up an hour early every morning to read from the Book of Mormon in Spanish together out loud. :) This is great! Having a baby who speaks English and likes to run is going to help me lose weight and learn Spanish even more! Bonus!

I was pretty scared to be a trainer... But now I am just really happy. :) It is helping me remember all of the little rules and obey them more, work on my Spanish more, remember what I learned at the begining of my mission and try the new ideas again, patience, humility, love, faith, asking for help from my Heavenly Father, and we are having a blast. :) Christ always taught us to become like little childern. Being new in the mission is like being a child, and I am learning from Hermana Gividen's example and trying to become like a little child again as well. :)

So far, so good! We cheat and talk in English sometimes, but it helps me explain things really well so she doesn't have questions with other Latin companions later. But we are still working on Spanish, no worries. :) I still miss Hermana Montepeque, but I have the best new companion in the whole world! It's just a little scary for her that I am her mom... Hopefully I only teach her my good qualities and not the ify ones. ;) I am trying super hard not to be bossy. :) Hahah

Well be excited to hear about all of our fun adventures and spiritual experiences in the future! Everyone makes fun of me for being so short again... My last companion was like 4 inches shorter than me. But  Hermana Gividen is like 10 inches taller than me...BUT! I am finally a redhead again! :) Now that they can see her blonde hair and have something to compair my hair to, people are finally asking me if I am a redhead instead of just assuming it is blonde! Exciting! :) I am me again! :)

Have a super great week! I love you all! Enjoy life! And be good!


Hermana Markle. :)
On our shopping trip - one Elder got stuck in the back with all the groceries!

We went on a big shopping trip with Sister Hayes, her daughter, and the office secretaries!

My name on Coke bottles! (Everyone here pronounces my name "Marco")

These are the trainers waiting patiently for their babies to be done with paper work... Look! It's Hermana Bratt!

Hermana Montepeque and I very sad to say goodbye . . . :(
My new companion discovered Mamon Chinos! Yum!

Here is me, my sister, my baby, and my mom all in one photo! Family reunion!

My new companion! Hermana Gividen!
Trainers and new companions! Yay!

So excited to serve together!