Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 20, 2015

Buenas tardes!

 Guess what? Did you guess? I got a new phone! :) It's a Samsung Galaxy S5! And it is sweet! I will send you photos soon so you can be jealous. I wanted an iPhone, but this works too! Sorry Apple! I will stop using Android as soon as I get home, I promise!

ALSO! Big news! I had a baby! And.... It's a boy! I am training an Elder in the other mission to be my assistant so I don't have to take their calls. He will take all of the calls, submit the insurance claims, make the appointments, and other fun things for me! But since he is not a licensed nurse, he does not have access to the church system to enter in the information about sick missionaries. So he still has to give me reports every week about what's going on, and I will enter it into the system. He will call me occasionaly with questions, give me the reports, and that's about it! So now I am almost the nurse of only one mission! ;) Exciting stuff!

ALSO ALSO! We had transfers! Hermana Ramirez left me and went to Coranado. And Hermana Piche left me for Paraiso... But Hermana Vasquez came to San Francisco to be my new companion! :) She is adorable! Also from Guatemala. She has been here for 14 months, one transfer more than me. No more trio...  My companions were crying last night. :( It was sad! :( I helped them pack and clean the house and we went to bed really late and now I am exhausted! They were sad to leave and I am sad to say goodbye! But I am excitied to work with Hermana Vasquez! :)

Yes, we did have a tragedy in the mission this week. :( Very sad. :( Elder Cuevas passed away in his sleep Wednesday morning. The papers all say that it was an asthma attack or that he was really sick, but they don't really know what they are talking about... I talked to Elder Cuevas Tuesday night and he was happy, laughing, and joking around. It was just his time to join the missionaries in Heaven. They need him more than Costa Rica needs him right now. He was a good, strong, obedient missionary, so he will be helping them a lot. :)

We went to his funeral services yesterday and met his family. He is from Mexico and his family flew in. It was very sweet and very sad. His mom is adorable. She knows her son is still a missionary and she is very grateful for the time she was able to have with him. We all wrote her cards with experiences we had with Elder Cuevas and they will be making her a book. Lots and lots of members and missionaries from all over the country were there to tell her how much they love her son and how great of a missionary is he. The people of Costa Rica were very lucky to have him as well. :)

Well that is about all of the new things from this week. I am excited to show my new companion around San Francisco and to get to work! I left my camera at home, sorry... No sweet pictures this week... Maybe the next! Have a great week! Stay safe, healthy, and happy! I love you all and I am grateful for your prayers, love, and support! You are the best! :)


Hermana Markle. :)
Items Of Business...
1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAMI!!!!!! :) :) :) 16 YEARS OLD!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! (Mom and Dad are old if their baby is 16!!)
2. Why did you fry your hair Kami??? It is going to fall out!!! Be careful! I will definitely win the long hair contest by the time I get home.
3. I will try to send you photos from my new phone and see if that works. I left my camera, sorry...
4. Our house is MUCH cleaner now! It stays a lot cleaner when there are only two. :)
5. THANK YOU! :)
6. I LOVE YOU! :)
7. Happy birthday Kami!!! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 13, 2015


This was a long week! But now it is over! So all is well. :)

Not much new.... But I hit my one year mark! Wahoo! Party! Now I feel old and like I can start bossing around the other missionaries. ;)

Before President Wilkinson went home, he gave us a great talk on Priesthood Authority. And how when a man called of God gives us directions, we listen. He calls worthy men to serve us and gives them the Keys to serve us. It doesnt matter who is your bishop, or stake president, or mission president, if they have the keys, you listen. If we listen and obey with exactness, we will be blessed. If you think they are crazy, or there is a better way, or dont want to change, obey them anyways and pray for peace and patience during the changes. God gives His authority and power to these men to serve us, and He will bless us for our obedience. :) It was mostly to help us with the change of mission presidents, but this is a good thing for all leaders, everywhere. :)

Love you all! Have a fantastic week! :) Keep being good!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business....
2. No one answered me about the contacts?
3. I love you all! Have a great week! :)
4. Sophie gets married soon? What Day?
We went to Chili's to celebrate my one year mark

The Office Secretaries went to Chili's with us - it is their one year mark also.

Who knew Chili's was so expensive! Good thing these are not American dollars!

I made this sweet sign for our English classes.
Look Mom! I'm wearing the belt you gave me!

Our pet that followed us to the mall and got in trouble for trying to enter the mall. The next day it followed us home and I said no... It was sad...

My  cute companions surprised me for my one year mark!

One year in the mission!

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015

¡Hola! ¿Cómo están? 
Guess what??? We got a new mission president! And he is awesome! His name is President Hayes from Idaho. His wife and his daughter Lizzy are also pretty awesome! :) President Hayes says that all everyone who speaks English will have to learn Spanish really well. And everyone who speaks Spanish will have to learn English really well. My companion stated to cry... Hahah she now reads the Book of Mormon in English every night and we practice words in the streets. :) Hahah little by little...
We went on divisions with Sister Hayes and Lizzy this week! Sister Hayes speaks a little Spanish so she worked with Hermana Ramirez and Hermana Piche. And Lizzy is still learning so she worked with me. :) They are both great and so excited to be here! :) While working with Lizzy I tried to take her to people that spoke a little English to help her feel more comfortable, but instead we met a man in the park that talked for one our straight in Spanish! We gave him a Book of Mormon and got his directions, but poor Lizzy didn't understand much.. We did end up finding one recent convert to teach that let us give the lesson in English. :)
The man in the park gave us his directions and we went back to visit him the next day with my companions. He is great! He already started reading the Book of Mormon and is now in 2 Nephi! He tried to come to church with us yesterday but he got lost trying to find the chapel, so maybe next week... :)
Oh! Guess what else?? People kept telling me I needed to wear my glasses, but I didn't want to because they fall off a lot and bug me... So we went to go get them fixed at an eye clinic... And they gave all 3 of us free eye exams! My companion is getting new glasses, and the other companion and I got free contacts! So now I use contacts! And the doctor made me cry when she tried to put them into my eyes... It took forever... And it still takes forever for me to do it at home too... I think I pinched my eye-ball... But.. I CAN SEE!!!! Its a mission miracle!!! I can see the leaves! And the spider webs! And now I can look into the eyes of my investigators and dicern their thoughts! Its pretty cool. They only gave me 1 month of contacts free, so I will have to buy the next ones, but still! Cool stuff! I CAN SEE!!!!
Well that is all of the exciting news for this week! Keep enjoying your summer! Love you all!
Hermana Markle. :)
Also! We decorated our name tags! Look! Its my family! (Dad will be happy)

I drank from my first coconut this week!!!! Yum!

Look at this cool flower! It is from a cactus! And it grows and grows and grows for like a year or years and then opens up and dies the next day... You can only see it for one night, that's it!!! So much work for such a short life!

Happy 4th of July!!! I made my companions dress up with me. :)

My companion puts Mayo on her pizza!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 29, 2015


This was a week of lots of selfies and goodbyes! The Mission was officially split.  :( Sorry for the selfie overload if my mom posts them all... #sorrynotsorry #selfiesfordayz #youloveme

The mission conference was AMAZING!!!! President Wilkinson is an incredible teacher and leader! I will share with you the goals he set with all of us for after our misisons. Usually he waits until your last interview, but we got it a little early... These are 7 goals that everyone should set and keep. 7 goals to help you stay on the right path and always progress towards our celetial goals. :)

1. Prayer: How many times will you kneel, meditate, listen, and talk openly with you Heavenly Father each day? (recommeded at least 2 times each day).

2. Scripture Study: How many minutes will you spend studying the scriptures each day? The Word of God is our spiritual food. If you go without for 7 days, you will become very week. (recommended at least 30 minutes each day).

3. Temple Attendence: How many times with you go to the temple and remember your covenants and help others make sacred covenants each month? The temple is a sacred safe guard from the world. (recommended monthly or weekly if possible).

4. Taking the Sacrement Worthily: How many times will you worthily take the sacrement each year? To remember and renew your covenants. (recommended 48 times each year).

5. Paying Tithing: How will you answer during tithing settlemant each year? Non, Part, or Full payer? Tithing is a commandment that brings many blessings. (recommended 100%).

6. Institute: How many times each year will you dedicate your time and make institute a priority? (recommended 1 class for each semester offered. Seminary counts).

7. Sharing the Gospel: How many references will you give to the missionaries each month? How will you help the missionaries share the gospel? How will you help your ward progress together? (recommended every member a missionary).

If we make and keep these goals, we will progress. We will learn and grow. We will fill our lives with good things and not leave time for bad. We will have the Spirit with us more abundantly. We should always set high goal, and do all that we can to reach them. Continually stretching and learning more. :) And our Savior Jesus Christ will be there to help you reach your goal and improve every day. :)

The conference made me a little trunky.. But I will do my best to wait another 6 months to set my goals and keep them! But you are all welcomed to set them right now! :)

I LOVE YOU ALL! Happy 4th of July!!! Keep working hard and enjoy your summer!


Hermana Markle. :)

Items of Business...
1. The new President gets here at 8:30pm, and the mission will be officially 2 missions. After that I can never call my converts in the other mission again! How sad! I will have to facebook stalk them when I get home. :)
2. Derek wrote me... He says he likes Katie... how cute....
3. Gross toe surgery Kami!!!! HAVE FUN AT EFY!!!!!!!!! Tell me all about it afterwards!!!! EFY is great!!! You will love it again!!!
4. Good luck at the bike rice!!!! I am sure you will all win!!!
5. Happy 4th of July!!!!
7. Thanks for being the best family in the whole entire world!!
Saying goodbye to friends going to the West Mission. :(

My last time with Hermana Fowler. I won't see her again until Utah.

Hermana Flores - My old companion, going to the West Mission :(

Best Trio in the World!

A sweet companion that I may never see again. She will be in the West Mission.

MTC Friends

Hermana May

Hermana Bratt!
Wilkinson Girls! Love Them!