Monday, June 8, 2015

June 1, 2015

Hey!!! This week we actually did not go to the hospital once! But... We searched for a new house, looked at tons, picked the prettiest one, and moved houses! That took a lot of time! Our landlady kicked us out this month, so we found a new one. We actually found a BIG house! And we will turn it into the new {mission house} for the Hermanas in the East mission! It has 5 bedrooms, and 3 full bathrooms! We took over the master bedroom with the walk-in closet and privet bathroom, don't worry. ;) Hahaha - we think we will put about 15 bunk beds in our house! So we will be ready for lots of visitors.... And my comapion put me in charge of cleaning up after them every time they leave... She says I am a better cleaner.... How nice! ;) I will send pictures once we transfer all of the beds over and it looks more like a mission house...

(Our investigator) came to church this week! That means he has been 3 times and is ready to be baptized! We are working towards the middle of June. He just started a new job and is really busy now... But he is doing well. :)

Seriously it is hard to think of good stories now... I forget once I sit down to type... Sorry! Read my journal after or something!!!

I love you all! Have an amazing week! Stay safe and happy and healthy!


Hermana Markle. :)
My poor companion fell asleep at the Mission Office while I was doing my nursing paper work!

I am short. Super short compared to Gringos - but actually quite normal up against Ticas!

A check for a whole lot of money! Actually - don't let the zero's fool you . . . not the same as US Dollars!

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